Rhine Northward 2023

This image was created using Stable Diffusion, v1.4. Model checkpoint 7460a6fa.

And the Stable Diffusion Web UI.

Each of the prompts below was used to generate multiple images, one of which was selected for inclusion in the final image.

A watercolor of Amsterdam IJ river
A watercolor of a Dutch barge sailing on a canal with a windmill in the background
A watercolor of Cologne Germany showing the cathedral
A watercolor image of a castle on a cliff overlooking the Rhine river
A watercolor of Heidelberg University
A watercolor of Strasbourg France with a medieval bridge
A watercolor of Rudesheim germany
A watercolor image of the Black Forest
A watercolor image of the Alps

A green watercolor background (upscaled by 7x)
A solid deep blue background in watercolor, representing a river (multiple times using img2img to trace the route of the Rhine river)

Overall image copyright 2023 by A&C Salamon.
Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.