Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks



Authors: Olah and Carter

Neural Turing Machines

Differentially addressable memory (stored as vectors). Can be addressed by content, i.e. similarity to an input vector, or location based, or a combination. Addressing is done not as pointers but as a distribution of ‘attention’ over all of the memory locations. Memory can be read from and written to.


One RNN generate a sequence of outputs, e.g. a representation of an input sequence of characters. A second RNN generates some context at each time step that is combined with the output of the first RNN and a softmax to create a distribution over the output of the first RNN which is then used as the input for that step of the second RNN.

Adaptive Computation Time

Each time step is broken up into a variable number of computation steps with the output for that time step being a weighted combination of the computation steps.

Neural Programmer

RNN generates a sequence of operations (or distributions over operations) which are then applied sequentially.